*takeitez* caught a team of change ninjas working their way through San Francisco in the early hours of January 20. (Click on the picture to look at more pictures of this phenomenon on the "Obama Street, San Francisco, CA" Flickr group.)
Cute, right?
Sure, some people (like user kgbarnett4) would say that it's immature and in poor taste, as Bush Street commemorates ... I don't know who... well anyway, it has nothing to do with the Presidential Dynasty recently dethroned. That doesn't change the fact that "Bush" carries a very strong association for most SF-dwellers (any pretty much anyone, right?), so it is perfectly applicable to put forth this gesture of support for the new President. And cute.
My issue with this is bigger than the legacy of Jonathan P Bush (or whoever). My issue is this:
I miss when Obama was about Hope. Now that Obama is President, he has to manifest the Change he promised. He has to turn our Hope into reality. When he was elected, everyone yelled "Yes we did!" and the message of Hope died. Or it changed. It changed from Hope to... Faith. I'm about as hopeful for change as a girl can be, but I don't think I'm ready to sign up for membership in the Cult of Obama yet. Because now that he's the vehicle for Change, he has to deliver. I hope he will, but I don't have faith that he will. I don't participate in preemptive hero-worship. PLZ to accomplish something first.