Monday, November 10, 2008

Streets of San Jose (personal outrage)

I was walking Cafe Pomegranate this morning and passed by some dude in the street. He was middle-aged, was wearing sweats and a backwards baseball cap, all of which was oddly offset by a pair of black-rimmed glasses.
He said, "Good morning."
"Good morning," I replied, to be polite.
"You sure are beautiful," he said, which threw me off. I mean, I get BS like that all the time, but somehow I didn't expect it from behind black-rimmed glasses.
"Thank you," I said, looking down.
"Want a ride?" Good god! This man was gaining creepiness points on an exponential scale.
"NO." I said emphatically.
"Are you sure..." he trailed after me, as I rounded the corner, quickening my step.

Good god. Does this ever work? Does any young, attractive female say to a middle-aged man in sweatpants, "Oh sure, I'd love a ride! I sure do hate walking, mister. My, aren't those sexy sweatpants!" Clearly, I've been waiting for him all my life.
