I first became acquainted (as in, I know some of her work, not as in we hang out) with Sarah Vowell through her contributions to NPR's This American Life. Yah, NPR, big surprise!
Whenever I'd listen to her contributions, I would always think, "what a weird voice. She should just write articles, not ever talk on the radio."
But now that I'm reading her book, The Partly Cloudy Patriot (which is painfully dated now that Bush is out of office), all I can hear is her voice, as if she's reciting these lines to me through the airwaves.
I've come to understand that Vowell's voice is what sets her apart from any other rambling girl, who feels the need to pour her bleeding heart out to the masses. (You know girls like that, don't you? *looks around nonchalantly, spots a mirror and staggers in shock*)
In unrelated news, I've been thinking about starting a podcast...
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