Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Vienna Succession?

Hello! So if you're unfamiliar with the Vienna Secession, it was a magnificent art and design movement in Austria, wherein a group of designers seceded from the Viennese Academy. They also succeeded, but that's beside the point. The point is that my art history prof is driving me insane.

She's this very elegant, high society New York (designer?) woman. She loves to use her expansive vocabulary and then translate for the little people. For instance:

"And this will serve as a segue, that is a transition, to..."

Agh! If you think there's nothing worse than uber-pretentiousness, how about misplaced arrogance? The worst part is that she mispronounces stuff all the time. I keep thinking she's talking about the succession of Viennese kings or something. And I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as rubication (the rubics-cubification of medieval manuscripts??) The word is rubrication.

Another thing is that she constantly makes a point of pronouncing and translating French. Except the thing is, I'm certain she doesn't speak it, because I have never, not even once, heard her pronounce a French word correctly. I've seen grammatical and spelling errors in names of pieces on her slides.

I mean, if these were the honest mistakes of an uneducated person, I think I'd be more likely to forgive them. It'd still be pitiful and annoying, but at least understandable. When a pretentious know-it-all does this, it's inexcusable.

I know I'm being petty, but it's actually interfering with my education. No matter how fascinating the material, the medium matters.

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